Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Virtual Library Branch

I enjoyed delving into our library website and finding a lot of helpful information including board reports, book discussion websites, computer class listings and more! It was interesting to see other library websites and there are surely a lot of good ones out there. Featuring events on our homepage seems to be one way we really shine.

Downloading a book was relatively easy but I still prefer to read printed material. As far as what we can do to enhance our web presence I think that a blog or two might be of interest to our patrons. I look forward to all the new developements to our site.

Thank you 10 things team for designing a program where it was easy to learn and fun to do so!


Jenn Phillips-Bacher said...

Hooray! You made it to the end! Great work :)


Toby said...

Congratulations! We're so glad you had fun with the program, and hope you find other ways to use some of these Things in your regular activities!